Information for Organizers
and Presenters

・11/27-12/1: Invited symposia and some of the open-call symposia will be presented online via Zoom.

・12/6-12/8: Open-call symposia, forums, and general presentations (posters, science pitches - short talks) will be conducted only as on-site presentations, and attending these sessions will be possible through on-site participation.

Guidelines relating to presentation of research results

An important objective of the conference is to engage in lively debate and to exchange information by sharing the latest research results, including those that have not yet been published. In order to achieve this objective, we ask you to follow the guidelines set out below with respect to research presentations.

  1. The following behavior, which could seriously damage mutual trust among participants, is prohibited.
    Capture/save (including screen capture), photographic, video or sound recording of raw data presented or displayed at the verbal presentation venue or the poster venue (including streaming) without the permission of the presenter.
    Disclosure of the above research data to a third party via SNS or similar media without the permission of the presenter.
  2. When making presentations, as far as possible, there should be no concealing of molecule names, methodologies, theoretical concepts or ideas that are central to the research.
  3. Presenters are to take responsibility for the handling of information relating to patent applications and the like.
  4. Presenters are required to disclose any conflict of interest in this meeting.

Adopted September 14, 2018
Molecular Biology Society of Japan, 20th Board of Directors
Partial Revision in Guideline 1, Addition in guideline 4 November 29, 2021
Molecular Biology Society of Japan, 22nd Board of Directors

Instructions for Organizers of Symposia / Forums

  1. Process and Timing
    The organizers are expected to ensure that all presentations start and finish punctually as scheduled.
    If there is any change on the program schedule, please let the staff know of the changes.
    For symposia, staff will assist organizers with timing. If there is no request, remaining time for each presentation will be notified with bell signals as follows.
    1 ring: 3 minutes to the end of presentation
    2 rings: End of presentation - Start of discussion
    3 rings: End of discussion (End of allotted time)
  2. Arrival
    Please come to the “Time Keeper’s Desk” at the right-front of the room and let the staff know of your arrival no later than 15 minutes before the starting time of the session.

Instructions for Presenters of Symposia / Forums

  1. Language
    Language of presentations in symposia and forums differs depending on each session. (Language of each session is indicated on the program page.)
    All the presentation slides are to be prepared in English.
  2. Time Allocation
    Please be aware that the time allocation for presentation and discussion differs depending on each lecture.
    For symposia, staff will assist organizers with timing. If there is no request, remaining time for each presentation will be notified with bell signals as follows.
    1 ring: 3 minutes to the end of presentation
    2 rings: End of presentation - Start of discussion
    3 rings: End of discussion (End of allotted time)
  3. Presentation Method / Preview
    For presenters of on-site programs
    Presentations are to be given with your own laptop. Please do not forget to bring your laptop.
    *No sound output is available. (Please see “Technical requirements for your laptop”)
    Please bring your laptop at “Preview Desk” in the session room at least 15 minutes prior to the start of your session

【Technical requirements for your laptop】

  • ・Ensure that your computer is equipped with the proper monitor connector (either HDMI or D-sub 15 pin) as shown below. If your computer does not have one of these connections, please bring an appropriate converter with you.
  • ・Be sure to bring an AC adaptor. Please note that voltage in Japan is 100V and the frequency ranges 50-60 Hz depending on the area (50Hz in Makuhari). The socket is type A, which has two flat plug holes. If your laptop is not convertible, transformers and/or plug adaptors are necessary.
  • Please deactivate the screen-saver and power saving mode of your laptop.
  • ・A display, computer mouse, and keyboard will be prepared on the podium for you to operate by yourself.


  • PC side

  • Connector

D-sub15 pin

  • PC side

  • Connector

Instructions for Organizers / Presenters of Online Programs

The secretariat will send you the information for Zoom access about two weeks before the session.
On the day of the session, please access Zoom 30 minutes before the start of the session, and the operator will explain how to proceed.

Instructions for Science Pitch Presenters

All science pitches are to be presented on-site. Online presentation will not be accepted.
Submitting a video file with audio is not acceptable.
Outstanding presentations of Science Pitch will be awarded.

1.Submission of Presentation Data

Presentation slide: 1 page for the title, 3 pages for the presentation content (PPT), No animation
Presentation time: 3 minutes (No Q&A time)

Example: Title Slide

Submit Presentation Data

* We recommend a 16:9 aspect ratio for slides. You can also use 4:3 slides, but the display on the monitor will be slightly smaller.

* To avoid confusion with other presenters data, please make sure to upload your data file with the file name 'Presentation Number_Name'.

* For Mac users, please make sure to create your materials using Windows-recommended fonts such as Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, Calibri and review them on a Windows PC.

2.On the Day of the Presentation

Please come to the session venue no later than 15 minutes before the start of your session and tell the staff your presentation number and name.
The presentation data submitted in advance will be stored on the PC on the podium in the order of presentation.
When it is your turn, please operate the PC on the podium and start your presentation immediately.
Please be sure to start and finish your presentation punctually as scheduled.

3.MBSJ2023 Best Science Pitch Award

The Best Science Pitch Awards will be presented to the top two presentations with the highest scores in each session. Additionally, the EMBO Science Pitch Prize will be given to 4 presentations from the top presentations across all sessions in score order.
We will send the certificate to the awardees at a later date.

【Scoring Criteria】

Project criteria

・Effective delivery of main question and aim of the project

・Clarity of the data and text

・Potential for future development

Presentation criteria

・The logic of the presentation is clearly explained with easy language

・Enthusiasm and passion

・Staying within the allotted time for the presentation

Instructions for Poster Presenters

All posters are to be presented on-site. Online presentation will not be accepted.
※No chairs are assigned to poster sessions.

  1. Venue
    Kobe International Exhibition Hall
  2. Schedule
    ※Each poster will be displayed for one day.
    Posting: 8:00-10:30
    12/6 Odd-numbers 13:45-14:45 / Even-numbers 13:45-14:45
    12/7 Odd-numbers 13:45-14:45 / Even-numbers 13:45-14:45
    12/8 Odd-numbers 13:45-14:45 / Even-numbers 13:45-14:45
    Removal: 15:45-18:45(12/8 15:45-16:15)
    *Any posters left after the removal time will be removed of by the secretariat.
  3. Poster Size
    The presentation title, name of the author(s), and affiliation(s) should be written on the top of the poster in large letters that can be seen from a distance of at least 5m.
    The text of the contents of the poster should be large enough to be read from 2m.
    Figures and tables also should be as large as possible.


    パネル * The poster number is attached to the upper left of the panel.
    Please use the panel with your poster number.
    * Ribbons for presenters and pushpins will be placed on the poster panels.