Infection Prevention Measures
*Please keep checking this page for updates on infection prevention measures.
To Participants Living Overseas
Please refer to the following link for the information on measures for entry and quarantine in Japan related to COVID-19.
■Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan: Information on the Novel Coronavirus Diseases (COVID-19)
Application for Infection Control Sticker
MBSJ2021 will issue an "Infection Control Sticker" to on-site participants who can present documents showing that they have been vaccinated or have tested negative for PCR. Sticker holders will be provided with (a) ticket(s) that can be exchanged for a drink or snack of their choice at the venue.
If you have already pre-registered for MBSJ2021, please submit a scanned copy or a photo of the proof of vaccination via the link below. We will send an "Infection Control Sticker" and (a) drink/snack exchange ticket(s) along with a name badge to those who live in Japan.

*There are four different designs for the stickers. Which one you will receive is random.
(The secretariat cannot exchange the stickers you have received.)
■Numbers of drink/snack exchange tickets provided
Infection Control Sticker holders who are
・Members/ Student Members/ Non-members: 1 ticket
・Undergraduate Students: 3 tickets (1 ticket can be used each day during the three-day meeting)
*Deadline for Advance Application: October 27 (Wed) 17:00 JST Closed
*Please complete registration for MBSJS2021 before applying for the infection control sticker.
*Those who have completed late/on-site registration can apply for the Infection Control Sticker on-site.
Please do not forget to bring documents showing that you have been vaccinated or have tested negative for PCR.
Antigen Testing Service at the Venue
An antigen test service for COVID-19 will be available for participants at the venue.
(Priority will be given to those who cannot present "documents showing that they have been vaccinated or have tested negative for PCR").
There is no charge for this service. If the result of the antigen test is negative, you will receive an infection control sticker and a drink/snack exchange ticket.
Antigen Test at the Venue
* Applications will be closed as soon as the number of available tests is reached.
Before coming the meeting venue
If you have any of the following symptoms or conditions, refrain from attending the meeting on-site, and please attend the meeting online.
- In the case you are not in good physical condition with symptoms such as fever of 37.5℃ or higher, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, fatigue, or loss of taste or smell.
- In the case where you have been in close contact with someone in the last 14 days, who travelled to, or is a resident of, a country or region subject to the government's entry restrictions or other restrictions.
- In the case of those suspected of being infected.
Request to on-site participants
・Participants are asked to use a mask.
・Participants are asked to wash their hands, use disinfectant, and gargle frequently.
・Please take used masks home.
・Please refrain from talking without wearing a mask on while eating or drinking (at rest areas or luncheon seminar rooms), and cooperate with “silent eating”.
・Please download the COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA) and read the two-dimensional code (QR code) to access "LINE COVID-1 9 Notification System" of Kanagawa Prefecture
”LINE COVID-19 Notification System" of Kanagawa Prefecture
By reading the QR code posted at the entrance of each facility and registering with the prefecture's official LINE account, LINE messages will be sent to people who visit the same place at the same time as the infected person.
“COCOA” COVID-19 Contact-confirming Application of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Infection Prevention Measures at the meeting venue
①Use of thermal camera
Thermal cameras will be used at the entrance of the Conference Center and Exhibition Hall to check the temperature of participants.
* If the temperature is over 37.5 degrees Celsius, it will be measured again using a non-contact thermometer.
②Infection prevention items
Plastic sheets will be placed at the registration desk and acrylic boards will be placed in the session rooms to prevent infection.
Disinfectant will be placed around the registration desk and session rooms.
Microphones will be disinfected after each presentation and Q & A session.
The venue is air-conditioned and ventilated so that the air is constantly exchanged with the outside air.
Entrance doors of session rooms will be always open for ventilation.
⑤Session room layout
Depending on the infection situation, the maximum capacity will be changed.
All staff members are required to measure their temperature before coming to work.
Staff must wear a mask, and wash & disinfect their hands.
Staff who hand over foods and drinks wear disposable gloves.