Late-Breaking Abstracts
It gives us great pleasure to announce that we have received many abstracts by August 1 deadline. However, we assume that there are some researchers who are making advances in their research after the deadline. We consider it to be of great importance to have discussions based on recent research achievements and thus make a call for Late-Breaking Abstracts (LBA). Presentation format of LBA is poster presentation only. Look forward to your submission.
- 演題登録期間
- 留意事項
- 応募資格
- ジュニア研究者ポスター賞について
- 発表形式・使用言語
- 応募方法
- 利益相反(COI)の申告について
- 抄録の入力について
- 演題登録後の確認・修正
- 演題採否
- 注意事項
- 登録システムへのログイン
Submission period
August 29 (Mon) – September 26 (Mon) at noon (Japan time) has been closed. |
- If you have already submitted a paper for regular presentation, you cannot submit a LBA. Only those who didn’t submit a paper for regular presentation can submit a LBA.
- Graduate and undergraduate students who submit LBAs are not subject to Travel Support for Students.
- The presentation format of LBA is poster presentation only.
- First author (presenting authors) must be JSI members: Regular, Student, Meritorious and Honorary members. However, foreign-registered authors residing outside of Japan are excluded.
- One person can submit one paper as first author. One person cannot submit multiple papers as a first author.
- First author (presenting authors) of LBAs are required to complete registration before submitting their abstract same as those of regular papers.
For inquiries or information regarding JSI membership, please contact JSI Secretariat.
All presentation slides and posters must be prepared in English and all presentations are to be delivered in English. Japanese may be permitted during discussion at each chair’s discretion.
Categories and Keywords
All authors will be asked to select a category from 14 categories below. Visit here for details including keywords.
1 | Hematopoiesis and Immune Environment |
2 | Bcells |
3 | Tcells |
4 | Innate lymphocytes |
5 | Dendritic cells, macrophages, granulocytes |
6 | Allergy |
7 | Cytokines and chemokines |
8 | Tolerance and Immune suppression |
9 | Virus infection Bacterial / mycofungal / parasite infection |
10 | Innate immunity |
11 | Mucosal-Skin Immunity |
12 | Autoimmune diseases |
13 | Tumor immunity |
14 | Human Immunology (Immunointervention) |
Confirmation Email
Once you complete abstract submission, you will receive a confirmation email. Your abstract number will be shown in the confirmation email. You need it to modify your abstract or to send an inquiry to the secretariat. Print out the page or save it on your computer to be sure to keep them safe.
Reviewing result
Reviewing results will be announce on our website. Accepted abstract numbers will be posted on our website in late October. Notification emails will not be sent to those who submitted abstracts directly.
COI Disclosure
The management of COI Disclosure (Disclosure of Conflict of Interest) is essential to avoid future risk of bias in order to promote industry-academia collaboration. Japanese Society of Immunology (JSI) established the Ethic and COI committee in 2012, it started the management of COI Disclosure from the 43rd JSI annual meeting. This meeting, the 51st JSI annual meeting, requires all presenters to disclose their COI status by entering information on the submission process and presenting their presentation slides or posters based on “COI Guidelines”.
Registration required prior to abstract submission
Registration is required before submitting an abstract.
After completing registration, you can go on to the abstract submission page.
Please visit here for more information on Registration.
Carefully read below before submitting an abstract.
Character limit | 1,691 characters including space and line break. |
Number of authors | Up to 12 authors including a first author can be registered. |
Number of affiliations | Up to 10 affiliations can be registered. |
Entering names | Capitalize the first letter in both first and family name. e.g.〇Taro Yamada ×Taro YAMADA Register, view and modify abstracts on your own responsibility. Registered information will be published in the meeting program or posted on the website as entered, the submitting author should take responsibility for ensuring the correct entry of all information including names and affiliations of all the co-authors. |
The flow of abstract submission: For those who have not completed registration