The 59th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan

The 59th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan

Info. for Participants

How to participate

Log in to Confit from the link posted on the Annual Meeting website using login ID and password emailed to the registered participants. Links to all the symposia, general presentations and other events can be found in Confit. You can log in to Confit from Nov. 17th.

Symposia and general presentations

Please find Zoom links for symposia or general presentation sessions you want to attend in Confit. Please indicate your name and affiliation as your log-in name. Turn off your microphone and camera unless the organizers give you a permission. If you have questions or comments, use “raise hand” function, and follow directions of the session chairs. If you cannot attend the presentation session, you can view the presentation movie posted in Confit and ask questions using its chat function. You can view the presentation movies and use the chat function of Confit by Dec. 10th.

Exhibitions of sponsors

We prepared the exhibition space for sponsors of the meeting in the meeting web site. The product catalogues and promotion video can be accessible from the page. In addition, we prepared virtual booths for the sponsors in the oVice space. You can meet the sales persons of the sponsors during the lunch time and during the on-line banquet.

Closing ceremony

We will have an on-line closing ceremony from 19:00 to 21:00 of Nov. 26th using Zoom. We will announce the awardees of Student Presentation Award for this years meeting in the ceremony.

Satellite symposium

All the registered participants of the annual meeting are welcomed to attend the satellite symposium. The link to the satellite is posted in Confit.


The language used will be English except for several special events. The events that will use Japanese are indicated in the schedule and in the program

Usage of SNS

The organizing committee of the 59th annual meeting encourages the use of social media to promote communication among the participants of the meeting. We ask all the presenters who are using some of the social media to post his/her presentation information. Please use the annual meeting hashtag #59bsj2021 and your presentation number when posting. This will facilitate citations of your presentation by other participants. We further encourage you to share presentation information of your group members, highlights from other presentations, and award information, suggest sessions to attend, and connect with your fellows, as well as our sponsors and exhibitors.
If a presenter does not wish to have his/her research shared via social media, please make an announcement before and during his/her presentation. We strongly encourage compliance with speaker requests regarding social media sharing.

Prohibited matters

Passwords and URLs sent to the registered participants should NOT be shared with non-registered people.
Photography and recording by any devices including camera, video, mobile phone and PC (screenshots) is NOT allowed during the online meeting. The organization committee might record symposia with the approval of the society board.
In some symposia, organizers might allow the audience to capture the presentation for the better understanding of only himself or herself. Please follow the rules explained by the organizers of each symposium.