JAACT2023 has been successfully concluded.
Thank you very much for your participation.
“Get Together for the Better Future”
Nov 28 [Tue] - Dec 1 [Fri] 2023
JAACT2023 Oral Awardee
O-2 Kengo Momose
O-6 Mayuko Endo
O-15 Daiki Okada
O-16 Masashi Okitani
O-21 Kennosuke Ichikawa
O-26 Kevin Odongo
JAACT2023 Poster Awardee
P-7 Yu Shimada
P-9 Himari Matsusaka
P-13 Zixuan Teng
P-20 Maya Oko
P-25 Yukiko Kondo
P-38 Atsuki Takahashi
P-52 Sayaka Nagae
P-53 Aprill Kee Oliva Mizushima
P-60 Yu-Hsin Chang
P-63 Yoshito Onishi

ESACT Medal Ceremony
ESACT Medal was awarded to JAACT for the long and dedicated affiliation and collaboration between ESACT and JAACT. This is the first time that the Medal is given not to an individual, but to a society. The awarding Ceremony was held at the JAACT2023 Meeting, which can also be seen in the Youtube movie. (https://youtu.be/O3flutoPjDQ)

Asian Young Researcher Award

The Organizing Committee for JAACT2023 Nagoya
Nishijima, Ken-ichi (Nagoya University)
Vice Chairperson
Omasa, Takeshi (Osaka University)
Hitomi, Kiyotaka (Nagoya University)
Akiyama, Hirokazu (Nagoya University)
Egashira, Akira (Astellas Pharma)
Kaneoka, Hidenori (Aichi Institute of Technology)
Kato, Ryuji (Nagoya University)
Oda, Hiroaki (Nagoya University)
Okuzaki, Yuya (Nagoya University)
Shimizu, Kazunori (Nagoya University)
Meeting Chairperson : Ken-ichi Nishijima (Nagoya University)
Plenary Lectures / ESACT lectures
Symposia: 6 sessions (mAb production, food functions, basic cell biology etc)
Oral and Poster sessions
Technical sessions

Important Dates
Abstract Submission:
Oral presentation June 1 - August 7 August 31 September 15, JST2:00PM
Poster presentation June 1 - August 23 September 13 September 15, JST2:00PM