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Young Scientist Award / Poster Award
Young Scientist Award
Application submission period
February 1 (Mon) – February 21 (Tue), 2023
Eligibility Requirements
– Motivated Student members
– Under 40-year-old as of April 1, 2023
– Past recipients of the Young Scientist Award are not eligible.
Application Procedure
Selection process
5-10 recipients of the Young Scientist Award will be selected based on application documents in advance. The evaluation item is “Research topic” at this stage.
Their papers will shift to the poster presentations. (Not eligible for the Poster Award.)
<Onsite selection>
Those who are selected Young Scientist Award based on the screening of application documents will be invited to make a presentation in English at the Young Scientist Award Symposium. A few recipients will be selected for Young Scientist Excellence Award based on the research topic and the clarity of the presentation. If your presentation is by co-authors’ research accomplishments, please clarify at the presentation what points you contribute to the research.
A brief discussion time is to be arranged after each presentation. Please deal with the discussion in English.
Poster Award
Application submission period
February 1 (Mon) – February 28 (Tue), 2023
Eligibility Requirement
-Presenters are required to be student members. (Regular members cannot apply for this award.)
Application Procedure
Please submit your paper via Poster Award application on the abstract submission page.
(There is no the screening of application documents.)
Selection process
Poster presentations and also poster award flash talks (one minute brief presentation with 1 page slide)
The evaluation items are the research topic and ingenuity of the presentation.