Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policy
The Japanese Society for Immunology (JSI) requires Invited speakers, and both lead presenter and responsible researchers for workshop and poster presentations to disclose financial relationships related to the presentations for the past 3 years on the occasion of their presentations.
Disclosure method
Invited Speakers: Symposium
You should disclose any financial relationships in English at the website and on your second slide (the slide following the title slide) in line with the provided Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosure example. If you have no financial relationships to disclose according to the COI criteria listed below, you should write “I have no financial relationships to disclose” or something similar. If you do have financial relationships to disclose, write the type of relationship and company name.
If you belong to a company, you should clearly state the company's name on the first slide. In such cases, COI disclosure on the second slide is unnecessary as long as you do not have financial relationships with any other companies or for-profit organizations. If you do have such relationships with other companies, disclose them on the second slide.

Workshop and Poster presentation: Lead presenter and responsible researchers
Disclose any financial relationships in English at the website and at the bottom of your poster. You do not need to disclose financial relationships in the form of a presentation slide. If you have no financial relationships to disclose according to the COI criteria listed below, you should write “I have no financial relationships to disclose” or something similar. If you do have financial relationships to disclose, write the type of relationship and company name. If you belong to a company, you should clearly state the company's name on the first slide. In such cases, COI disclosure on the second slide is unnecessary as long as you do not have financial relationships with any other companies or for-profit organizations. If you do have such relationships with other companies, disclose them on the second slide.
COI criteria
Leadership position or advisory role for a company or for-profit organization: annual remuneration of ¥1 million or more from a single company or organization for 1 year
Stockholder: profits (total of dividends and profits on sale of shares) of ¥1 million or more for 1 year from the stock of a single company, or ownership of 5% or more of the total shares of a single company
Patent royalties from a company or for-profit organization: income of ¥1 million or more for 1 year in royalties for a single patent
Honoraria (lecture fee, etc.) paid by a company or for-profit organization as compensation for time/labor devoted to attendance (presentation) at a conference: income totaling ¥500,000 or more for 1 year from any single company or organization
Manuscript fees for pamphlets, etc., paid by a company or for-profit organization: income totaling ¥500,000 or more for 1 year from any single company or organization
Grants/research funds (commissioned research funding, research grants, etc.) and endowed chairs provided by a company or for-profit organization: commissioned or joint research funding related to the presentation topic totaling ¥1 million for 1 year from any single company; research grants awarded to you or the leader of the section (chair, field) or research lab to which you belong totaling ¥1 million for 1 year from any single company or other organization; cases in which you occupy a chair endowed by a company or other organization
Other remuneration (travel expenses, gifts, etc. not directly related to research): income totaling ¥50,000 or more for 1 year from any single company or other organization
Disclosure details (sample slide explanation)
Leadership position / advisory role for:
Provide the company’s name if you serve in a leadership or advisory capacity for a company that has an association with your presentation topic.
Stockholder in:
Provide the company’s name if you possess shares in a company that has an association with your presentation topic.
Patents and royalties from:
Provide the company’s name if you receive patent royalties from a company that has an association with your presentation topic.
Honoraria (lecture fees) from:
Provide the company’s name if you receive lecture fees from a company that has an association with your presentation topic.
Honoraria (manuscript fees) from:
Provide the company’s name if you receive manuscript fees from a company that has an association with your presentation topic.
Grant/Research support from:
Provide the company’s name if you receive research funds* from a company that has an association with your presentation topic.
* Commissioned research funding, research grants, etc.
(However, you need not declare Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research and other public research funding.)
Other remuneration from:
Provide the company’s name if you receive other remuneration* from a company that has an association with your presentation topic.
* Travel expenses, gifts, etc. not directly related to research
I have no financial relationships to disclose. If you have none of the financial relationships listed in ①-⑦ above, delete ①-⑦ and leave just this line " I have no financial relationships to disclose".
Questions regarding COI disclosure:
Contact the Secretariat, Japanese Society for Immunology (JSI)